Hayes Free Church United Reformed

All Are Welcome

  • 111, Pickhurst Lane
  • Hayes
  • Bromley
  • KENT
  • BR2 7HU

Church Secretary 07954 409658
Email Us

Dear Friends,


As I write this, it feels like summer has well and truly gone, and autumn is here.  The leaves are turning and starting to fall, the evenings are darker, and the weather is changing.  I’ve even had to turn the central heating on, and the solar panels are not quite as efficient as they were, just a few weeks ago.


And yet, October is a time for giving thanks, as we celebrate Harvest at church and with some of our local schools.  As the hymn reminds us, ‘All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.’ The farmers have, we hope, been able to do that – before the storms and flooding of the last week or two; and I can see my garden beginning to slow down – though I’m still getting some green beans and tomatoes.   There is much to be thankful for – not only for food, but for all God’s blessings.


Last Sunday (29th September), we held a special café-style service, where we reflected on the church mission statement, and where the church might be going in the months and years ahead.  Perhaps it is appropriate that we did that at harvest time, because Jesus talked a lot about farming – about the harvest of the kingdom of God – the harvest that would separate the wheat from the weeds, be improved by careful pruning, and be greatest when the seeds are planted in good soil.  What is the harvest that Hayes Free Church is gathering today, and what seeds do we need to sow now, for a greater harvest next year?


Just as farmers and gardeners will be ploughing their fields and planting winter wheat, or vegetables to give them a head start for next year, the next couple of months, as we write the LMMR report are about preparing the soil and beginning to sow the seeds.  We may not all see the harvest, but that doesn’t stop us working hard for those who will.   


We might sow seeds through the Parade Services, Friendship Group, or in School assemblies, Christmas visits and Messy Church.  We might sow some by putting posters in the halls.  Some might be sown by conversations with friends and family, or by inviting a friend to church.  But perhaps the most important thing, that we can all do, is to pray – both asking God to grow the church, and listening for God’s voice, as he offers us wisdom, guidance, hope and love – as Rowan Williams famously said, “Mission is finding out what God is doing and joining in.”


And so, I’d like to end with the prayer we ended with on Sunday – the prayer offered by the organisation, ‘Leading your Church into Growth’: 



With love and blessings,



Appointments with the Minister

I will be on holiday from 28th October to 3rd November, 

but otherwise can be contacted in the usual ways.

Thank you, Alison