West Wickham Arts Association
We are a group of like minded artists ranging from. the young to the old, the amateurs to the professionals, the socialisers to the fun seekers, to the budding Picasso's.
From our weekly sessions where you are free to work on your paintings to life drawing, come and work along like-minded artists or even just to make new friends at Hayes Free Church in a relaxed and creative environment.
Alongside weekly sessions, West Wickham arts organise inspiring field trips for outdoor sketching and painting at various locations, creating a great social environment with plenty to participate in.
The Association welcomes visitors to its functions and Monday meetings at Hayes Free Church where the Hon. Secretary or other Committee members will happily answer general enquiries during the 1.30pm - 3.30pm or 7.30pm - 9.00pm sessions.
If you are unable to make a personal visit then please email us at info@westwwickhamarts.org for further information.
The WWAA is funded by its members through Annual Subscription, session and event fees .
It does not seek funding from the general public.Consequently, the WWAA does not sanction the use of its name or charity registration number in unsolicited internet or other public appeals for funds.