Hayes Free Church United Reformed

All Are Welcome

Friendship Group

Coffee mugs

The Friendship Group continues its term time programme of fellowship, interesting talks and entertainment - on its new regular weekday of Tuesday! 


Tuesdays 2.00 – 3.30pm

in the Small Hall unless otherwise stated.

The Friendship Group will be concluding its programme of fellowship, interesting talks and entertainment with two meetings as described below. Both will take place in the small hall. Please note that the meeting advertised on 9 July is cancelled – apologies



Tues 2 July at 2pm:                   The Wandle Ringers – 

an afternoon of handbells,

followed by a cup of tea


Tues 9 July:                               CANCELLED – see above


Tues 16 July at 1pm:                 Summer lunch




We wish you a happy holiday season and hope perhaps to see you at the Holiday from Home (details on previous page).


The next newsletter will be published at the beginning of September and will set out the programme for the Friendship Group as we enter the autumn season. 


 As always, each talk will finish with a cup of tea 


 cream tea


Unfortunately we still need more drivers to bring members of the Friendship Group to and from their meetings - particularly drivers for the minibus. If you or anyone you know can help us, please contact Sylvia (8462 1938) or one of those listed at the front of this newsletter.