Friendship Group

Coffee mugs

The Friendship Group will be continuing its autumn programme, with its enjoyable mix of fellowship, interesting talks and entertainment. All are welcome to its meetings, which take place on Tuesdays in term time, from 2.00 to 3.30pm, in the small hall. A weekly contribution of £2 is invited. 

Tuesday 3rd December. We welcome back the Three Tenors

Tuesday 10th December Christmas Thoughts with Rev Alison

The ensuing break will itself be broken by a Christmas Holiday from Home, taking place on Thursday 19th December.  

Tuesday 7th January  Mavis and Solo return

Tuesday 14th January Tessa Kirby, from National Energy Action for Warm Homes

Tuesday 21st January  Driving Miss Daisy - a Caring Taxi Service for the Elderly  (postponed from the autumn term)

Tuesday 28th January  Chris Davis will speak on "Alleyways and Americanos" (in the area around St Paul's Cathedral)

And as always, every meeting will end with a cup of tea.


 cream tea


Unfortunately we still need more drivers to bring members of the Friendship Group to and from their meetings - particularly drivers for the minibus. If you or anyone you know can help us, please contact Sylvia (8462 1938) or one of those listed at the front of this newsletter.