Moderators letter

A Christmas Letter from the Moderator

As we enter the beautiful season of

Advent, we are reminded of Mary’s song

in the Gospel of Luke, often called the

Magnificat. Mary’s song of praise reminds

us of the joy and hope that comes from

faith in God’s promises.

In her moment of awe, Mary proclaims,

“My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit

rejoices in God my Saviour.” These words

echo through the ages, inviting us to

reflect on the miracle of the Incarnation.

Mary’s song is both deeply personal and

universally hopeful. It reflects her humility

and gratitude to God, who chose her to

bear His Son, Jesus.

This Christmas, let us join Mary in glorifying the Lord for the gift of

Jesus, who brings light into our darkness and hope into our despair.

Mary’s hymn also calls us to recognise the transformative power of

God’s love. She sings of the mighty being scattered, the proud being

brought low, and the humble being filled with good things. In a world

often marked by division and strife, we are reminded that God’s

kingdom upends worldly values and lifts up the marginalised.

As we celebrate Christ’s birth, let us embody this spirit of humility and

service in our Church and community. Additionally, the Magnificat

encourages us to remember God’s faithfulness throughout all

generations. Just as God fulfilled His promise to Mary, we can trust

that God is at work in our lives today.

In this season, let us share the good news of God’s love and grace

with those around us, being containers of hope and joy. As we gather

for worship and fellowship in the coming Advent weeks, may our

hearts be filled with gratitude and our spirits renewed. Let us

celebrate the miracle of Christmas together, proclaiming with Mary

the greatness of our God.Thank you to all who participate in the life and witness of God’s

church. We are the visible face of Christ.

Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Christmas.


Rev Bridget Banks

Moderator for Southern Synod

United Reformed Church